When we meet, it might be raining, it might be sunny, 遇見的時候,或許下著雨,或許放著晴,

Be it rainy or sunny, we met each other, 是雨? 還是晴? 此時此刻你我巧遇,

We are both confused, we are both suprised,confused and surprised, yes, we both were.

The city is big, so is our world, 城市很大,世界也不小,


But we never think about how we meet each other,never did we reason how/why we should meet.


Meeting each other is something that questions never met. 巧遇宛若相逢,理所當然。




Have you ever thought about? 你想過嗎?

Why on a small blue planet with billions of people cramming together, we meet each other no matter what? 何以億萬人汲汲營營的藍色小星球上,你我相遇?

When we were little, we love listening to Mommie's stories  兒時最愛聽媽媽講故事

where amidst waves the little mermaid swam,

while prince's ship was racked and beaten,  


where in the woods a prince-charming wondered around,  

while Snow White was there about ,      


meeting each other always seems like a coincidence, you are here, I am also here, 


at this very moment in this very place,we saw each other and met no-one other. 




Remember "Hakusen," the Japanese TV series?

there at the end those main characters got together holding onto a long white string,


for the sake of memory, at this moment there is this person,


we seem to meet each others for some reasons while more often we missed the chances for goodbyes or memories.


Just like strangers passing by at a crossroad, we met and we left,  像十字路口路人擦身而過,雖有相遇但沒有再見,

does not even have time to say good bye, only a breeze was left behind.  連再見也沒有說出口,只留下錯身時耳邊的風。

We came to know how meeting is not anything simple. 長大以後,才知道遇見真的不容易。

indeed, not anything simple! 一點也不容易呀!


Sometimes we would long for meeting that special someone again,really really would we wish to see that very person once more,

有時候好想好想再與誰相逢, 恨不得驀然回首斯人猶在,

but chances seem so untainable,that the special someone seems so unreachable. 任尋茫茫碧落,窮遙遙海角,咫尺天涯相見無期。

Next time when we meet,please cherish the moment? 若我們偶遇, 能不能珍惜片刻永恆?

Can we feel a bit thankful and warmth,please feel a bit thankful and tender,and, do remember to bid goodbye! 能不能多一點感謝多一絲溫柔, 對了, 請記得, 一定要說再見喔!

Do smile when we meet, do smile when we part. 與微笑相遇,與微笑道別。


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